This week, Emma Victoria Stokes highlights some of the best freelance newsletters to follow for industry updates, news and flowing job opportunities.
Each week, I receive an abundance of freelance newsletters in my inbox. It would be selfish to keep all of this knowledge to myself so and I wanted to share with you some of my favourites. If like me, you’re always keeping an eye out for your next freelance job or project, take 5 minutes and sign up to the list below. Whether you’re self-employed, run a freelance business or if you’re thinking of taking the leap into the unknown – these guys are some of the best in the industry. They’re not spammy and I find them all extremely helpful. I hope you do too!

In no particular order, these are the best freelance newsletters I have found that offer jobs, tips and tricks, and are simply a guiding hand into the scary world of remote working, self-employment and freelance life.

Freelance Writing Jobs
Sian Meades is the QUEEN of finding (and promoting) quirky freelance writing jobs from all over the UK. Every Thursday, a new email will land in your inbox which undoubtedly packs a punch. What’s more, Sian’s expert skill of wordsmithery makes for a delightful read. The weekly newsletter curates a list of both editor pitches and paying jobs only (some better than others.) Her newsletter is completely free to sign up to and if you happen to bag yourself a job from the newsletter, you can say thanks by buying Sian a digital cup of caffeine. Be sure to sign up here for all of the latest jobs.

JR Weekly Newsletter
The JR Weekly Newsletter is run by Jem Collins – another mass newsletter crammed full with job adverts of different tiers. Ranging from sponsored posts, to jobs for beginners, a specific section for freelancers and also a fantastic reading list which brings together the latest hot topics, news bites and funding opportunities – you won’t want to miss out. Showcasing a plethora of employee delights, Jem markets the best jobs for all different skill sets. Likewise you can also buy Jem a digital coffee if a suitable job lands in your lap! Subscribe to Journo Resources newsletter on the right hand side of the JR webpage.

Doing It For The Kids: Stuff In My Head
Dipping slightly out of the realm of newsletters – Doing It For the Kids is a community podcast for freelance parents trying to make flexible working work. Run by graphic designer and mum of two Frankie Tortora, DIFTK consists of a collaborative blog, closed Facebook group, real-life meet ups, weekly podcast and, more recently, monthly newsletter. Simply called ‘STUFF IN MY HEAD’, Frankie’s newsletter is loaded with tips, quick recipes, apps and insightful articles for people navigating freelance life and parenthood combined. No doubt this newsletter will become a popular go-to for anyone juggling family and freelancing. The newsletter is exclusively for anyone that supports all things DIFTK via Ko-Fi on a monthly basis. So be sure to visit her Ko-Fi page and sign up monthly for as little as £3 a month. You can then access to the sign up link for the newsletter from there.

The Freelance Lifestyle
One of the very first newsletters I signed up to when I turn self-employed in 2018, Emma Cossey does an outstanding job of supporting and helping other freelancers who need that tiny glimmer of hope. Emma, who also has a wonderful, relaxed and supportive podcast ‘The Freelancer’s Tea Break‘, releases weekly updates. Emma also challenges those who are already in the Freelance Lifestylers Facebook Group to take on tasks which can ultimately benefit your work. You can sign up to Emma’s newsletter here. There’s a space for ‘lovely links’ at the end of each newsletter which highlights some other great stories, articles and podcasts that you might find beneficial. You would be silly not to take a look.

The Bloglancer Newsletter
Jenna Farmer, a top freelance journalist, is a very good friend of mine but this doesn’t stop me shouting about her fabulous freelance newsletter that highlights blogger and freelance opportunities, including links to great pitching courses. Joining this FREE newsletter enables you to receive blogging tips, and always showcases some fantastic ways you can make money from your work. Jenna is currently on maternity leave but fear not, she’s a hard worker who still drops by when new opportunities arise. Make sure you sign up to receive The Bloglancer newsletter for when she returns. You won’t regret it!
Know of any more freelance newsletters that should be added to this list? Drop me a comment below as I’d love to hear from you!