Goals for the year ahead: 2015
I can already sense the panic. Just twelve hours left to go. Someone has just said they’re quitting eating chocolate for the year. Another said they’re definitely going to go to the gym 7 times a week. Bullshit. Let’s be honest, come January 5th, you really won’t give a shizer. I don’t mind New Years, but I think it’s the pressure of trying to better yourself for one day. The truth is, you don’t need to change yourself completely – you might want to just improve on the little things.
Not long back, I set myself some realistic things I wish to happen for the year ahead. This hasn’t started today, it started months ago when I finally got my head screwed on. I’m thinking nothing major – nothing heavy, but for me it’s always the little things that matter most. One of the things I’m working towards is to buy a house. I’m raring to go, all I need now is the green light. Secondly, I have a huge pile of books I want to get through. I thought to myself while lying in bed last night – what on earth do I do with all my spare time? I usually spend it on Pinterest, on my phone or walking my dogs, but slowly and surely, I’m giving my brain some much needed attention again. Books books books! Lastly, I’m going to keep doing what I’m doing.
I honestly don’t think people need to set themselves 50 million ‘goals’ to get through the year – because we all know, making dramatic changes never works. Next year, I strongly feel that if you do what you want to do, (and take it easy on yourself, we’re only human!) – and not what others expect of you, you’ll have a very happy 2015 indeed. Now, where’s that bloody countdown at?