Life Via My iPhone: De-cluttering in 2015

Emma Victoria Stokes
I’ve decided to look after number one this week. Me. We’re full steam ahead into the new year and it already feels like I have conquered several thousand miles. In actual fact, I walked quite a few around Berlin recently! I took a day this week to tidy, de-clutter and organise the house and my bedroom. I even treated myself to some lovely Clinique cosmetics to start a new daily routine. I always feel like I can accomplish more if my surroundings are lovely and clean so I also decided to organise my work bag with a new organiser!

My favourite thing to do is jump into fresh crisp white sheets and reading a good book. I’m currently in the middle of reading several books. My favourite being ‘The Daring Book for Girls’, a manual about everything a girl should know which I kindly received for Christmas from a friend. I’ve already brushed up on my knowlege of Basketball, Women scientists and how to press flowers thanks to the book. What’s the last thing you treated yourself to?

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  1. It was just part time whilst I was at uni so have a full time job – I do miss it though!

  2. everyone needs to treat themselves one in a while. we're only human… right?

  3. wow. why on earth did you leave? yes, crisp white sheets are my downfall.

  4. lovely Clinique choices – I used to work for them and they're such a fab brand! Completely agree with having fresh bedding and a new book – there's nothing better 🙂

    Beth // Bethany Georgina

  5. I figure that having a tidy space, people feel more relaxed and able to concentrate. Thanks for the lovely comment 🙂

  6. It's pretty great. A very easy read and you feel so knowledgable afterwards. I usually like thrillers

  7. Having a de-clutter, clean and general tidy up always make me feel much better. I treated myself yesterday to a new skirt, it was in the sale so I couldn't resist a good bargain!

  8. thelikelylady says:

    Love you x

  9. I love the sound of the daring book for girls haha not that I can even keep myself interested in ANY book at one time thanks to university! xxx

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