Halloween Recipe: Pumpkin Peppers

Emma Victoria Stokes Halloween Pumpkin Peppers Halloween is just around the corner, next Monday needs to hurry up! It’s always been one of my favourite ‘holidays’ so to speak, especially when you get the chance to dress up and step into someone else’s shoes for a night. I wanted to make some scary recipes this week to get the blood pumpkin (ahem, pumpin!) so what better way to start than with petrifying pumpkin peppers! To be honest, my little chaps look a bit happy don’t they, not so scary at all. This recipe was ridiculously easy and will take 20 minutes to prep.

Emma Victoria Stokes Halloween Pumpkin Peppers Emma Victoria Stokes Halloween Pumpkin Peppers Carefully cut the tops off however many peppers you would like to eat and place the lids to one side. Slice out all the seeds and cut some tiny triangles using a small knife. Pop the peppers onto a baking tray and cook on 180 heat for 10 minutes, be careful not to overcook them you just want them a little bit softer than usual. It’s also great if you can find some orange peppers, unfortunately the shop only had yellow at the time.

Emma Victoria Stokes Halloween Pumpkin PeppersEmma Victoria Stokes Halloween Pumpkin Peppers I was very organised at the time and prepped some paprika chicken the day before and stored it in the fridge ready to go! You can use other alternatives – chilli mince, normal chicken strips, beef steak, or any other filling of your choice, the world is your oyster. If you prep beforehand, it saves the fuss of having to cook two things at once. I also grated some cheese fill out the peppers more. It’s so delicious if you layer cheese, chicken, cheese, chicken once the pepper is cooked – it’s your own little pumpkin lasagne!

Emma Victoria Stokes Halloween Pumpkin Peppers Take the peppers out of the oven and leave to cool on the side. Slice the chicken up into tiny slices and start layers the cheese and chicken inside the peppers. I ended up with cheese on top which melted over the side of the pepper and then popped the tops back on them – party hats ahoy! How cute do they look?

Emma Victoria Stokes Halloween Pumpkin PeppersEmma Victoria Stokes Halloween Pumpkin PeppersEmma Victoria Stokes Halloween Pumpkin PeppersEmma Victoria Stokes Halloween Pumpkin PeppersI know these pumpkin peppers aren’t entirely original but I wanted to put my own paprika chicken twist on them. What do you think of these scary looking treats, will you be trying out this recipe before Halloween for your family and friends? If you do happen to try these out, make sure to tag me on Twitter, Facebook or Instagram, I look forward to seeing your creations. Happy Halloween folks!

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