I can’t believe how quickly Christmas went. Christmas with the Stokes family is always up, although the build up was incredibly long and it seemed to be over in a flash. I am grateful as I got to spend this year with my mom, dad and brother. Plus, my auntie came to visit on Christmas Eve, which meant a lot of family time was in order. This year, I did things a bit differently. On Christmas Eve, instead of running to our pub like I usually do, instead, I decided to go to Mass. It wasn’t exactly midnight mass as it started at 8pm – but weirdly enough, it was a very calming experience. I’m not thoroughly religious, but it really was something; singing carols in candlelight with my family by my side. A very funny moment happened inside church, I looked down at my mood ring while holding the hymn book, and I noticed that the ring has turned black. Mom and I had to stifle our laughter and try to pretend I’m not inhabited by the devil.
Soon after, around half 10, I was dropped down to my family pub where I met my boyfriend and my brother. A group of my friends were also down there, so we all had a laugh and a drink, and were merry by half past 11. As soon as I arrived, my boyfriend Josh told me he had been entered into a mince pie eating contest. Great. Unfortunately he did not win, but gave it a bloody good try. It was fun, as the ENTIRE pub surrounded the table of 6 eaters, cheering them on. The winner won £30. He ate 9 mince pies in 3 minutes.
Not long after it turned Christmas Day. By 1am, I had drank around 5 double Malibus and was feeling quite tipsy. Not long after, I slipped home and fell straight to sleep. Christmas Day was fantastic. I awoke to my mom, dad and auntie with cups of tea, and soon we began opening presents. My mom always does me a stocking full of stuff that I need. This year, it was full of chocolate (I need) and car related products and hygiene related items. (My car is currently dead, but will soon be back to life, I hope!). My auntie also bought the dogs a stocking with loads of treats in. They loved it. Jack dog even opened his own present.I then popped over to my boyfriends house before dinner. We got to open presents together too (something we have always done) – and he spoiled me loads. I got a new Superdry Coat and a pug pillow and chocolates and loads of little emma related things. He’s a cutie. I went home after and My brother arrived not long before dinner and we were all excited to tuck into our food. We had Turkey and Beef. Mom and my auntie Glynis did very well and we were soon stuffed. One thing that we did different this year was we has SUSHI for starters. It was magical.